Wednesday, November 21, 2012
lomba esai by METIC
Monday, November 19, 2012
pengumuman DEPAHOLIC 2012
2. Nurul Setyo Wulandari
3. Nurul Hanifah
5. Veri Anggara Saputri
6. Nover Sri Wahyu
7. Rika Ayu Putri Virawati
8. Yasinia Annisa Purbamurti
9. Gusti Ayu Trisnaning Alia Rahmatillah
10. Rizki Nurul Fatimah
11. Plati Laras Makarti
12. Siti Aminah
13. Herningtyas Ika Satya P
14. Yonas Elok Raraswati
15. Icha Nofikasari
16. Afifah Rufaida
17. Bayu Anggoro Aji
18. Puput Retno Palupi
19. Endah Nur Aini Endra Rukmana
20. Falahunnisa Nurul Azmi
21. Alfiani Kurnia
22. Naillul Manshuroh
23. Nur Aida Laila
24. Kartika Simatupang
25. Adwitya S. Dharmaesthi
26. Chynintia Dewi Aqmarina
27. Feby Putri Aswidya
28. Yuliafiani Miranti
29. Dian Rachmayanti
30. Suci Ananda
31. Elisa Irmalia
32. Rahsunji Intan Nurvitasari
33. Novaria
34. Etty Cahya Pertiwi
35. Bestari Nurfera
36. Rizky Kusuma Putri
37. Ariska Ratih Damayanti
38. Rikha SAtriani
39. Novi Puspita Sari
40. Nurul Arina Dewi
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Mini lecture "Tissue Engineering and Implant in dentistry: recent updates"
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kunio Ishikawa, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes, P.hD, drg. Suparyono Saleh,Sp.Pros(K), and drg. Retno Ardhani,M.Sc.
Sunday, Nov 4th 2012. 08.00 WIB @Auditorium FKG UGM
htm: 50k (student), 75k (reg).
Cp: Meia (+6285764754622), Anita (085725207724), Get the advantages!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Pengumuman Hasil Oprec Depa’s Infection
Mahadna Aulia Rahmah (’10)
Saviena Ainissicha (’11)
Norma Dias Lindaningrum (’11)
Henny Anggraeni (’11)
Aurita Siwi Rahmawati (’10)
Verisa Rizki (’11)
Nadya Cahya Paramitha (’10)
Riana Sakti P ('10)
Apriliani (’11)
Pradipta Atmokotomo (’09)
Bagus Manik Panji Priyatno (’10)
Diva Agrita Dentisia (’11)
Fazlur Rachman (’09)
Nunki Amelia (’11)
Nyayu Wulan Tri Utami (’10)
Wing Ma Intan ('10)
Warsiti Eka Saputri (’10)
Riska Maulita (’10)
Eriska Firma Nawangsih (’11)
Lin Herlina (’11)
Premia Utianty (’11)
Rafika Chintya Dewi (’10)
Desi Ratna Puspitasari (’10)
Petronela Ekowati Praptiningsih (’11)
Agung Setiawan (’11)
Hadziq Pohan (’11)
Yeni Witriani A. (’10)
Rifki Fani (’09)
M. Muchlisul Ghoni (’09)
Meia Audinah (’11)
Nisaul Afifah (’11)
Failasofia (’11)
Sadiyah (’10)
Sawitri Trisnaningtyas (’10)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Open Recruitment DEPA'S INFECTION 2013 (Denta Paramitha Science Festival and Competition)
Rangkaian acara :
1. Olimpiade KG dasar se jawa-bali
2. National research and poster competition
3. Seminar internasional
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tugas dan Daftar Kelompok SOR 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
SODAC 2012
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
BEASISWA : Chemical, Biological / Life and Medical Sciences
E.P. Abraham Scholarship in the Chemical, Biological/Life and Medical Sciences
St Cross College invites applications for this scholarship from students who will begin studying for a postgraduate research degree in the University of Oxford in the academic year 2012 - 2013 and who list St Cross College as their first choice college on their Graduate Admissions application.
The E.P. Abraham Scholarship has the value of the annual College fee, currently £2426 per annum for 2012-2013 and is tenable for three years coterminous with college fee liability. The successful scholar will be guaranteed to have a room in College accommodation (at the standard rent) for the first year of their course. This Scholarship is open to those wishing to study for degrees in the chemical, biological/life and medical sciences. Applications should be received by Friday 25th May 2012.
The Scholarship is tenable at St Cross College only. Application forms can be downloaded from this site, or requested by email using the Contact Form (choose the categoryAcademic and Admissions). Written requests should be sent to the Admissions & Academic Secretary, St Cross College, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LZ.